
Inspiration Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact avionics industry events

Malaysia Airlines flight lost contact event affects on people , aircraft and personnel fate and whereabouts are still not clear , we are always concerned about everyone on the plane , stop to search for the latest news.

In addition to passively wait outside , we can do something for them ?

Someone has already chosen the anxiety and concern into a bit of mobility - such as crowdsourcing platform on the Tomnod looking for clues to the plane lost contact with the item . Crowdsourcing behind this project is to support the company , Colorado micro imaging technology company DigitalGlobe, the company has five satellites resolution of 0.41 m camera aimed lost to the sea , has now covered an area of 3200 square kilometers . HD video has been released to the crowdsourcing platform Tomnod, and is open to the public , the public needs to be done on Tomnod picture is provided by marking suspicious circumstances - such as oil, or a plane, but also according to their own knowledge and judgment, mark agrees or others oppose them . Crowdsourcing anchor tag has also been synchronized to the hands of professional analysts , they will find up to mark the location of the analysis investigation at the scene to rescue fleet and aircraft searched for clues.
Inspiration Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact avionics industry events

In addition to these practical action is applauded for improving aircraft safety level , and timely search for the accident aircraft , avionics industry, our engineers get inspiration it? Crucial situations aircraft black box records everything not find it solution of the mystery , we can not come to a safe and efficient 60 -year-old has been replaced by a black box with new technology ?

Currently , businesses are making full use of the advantages of the Internet, cloud computing, big data will be the development direction . Avionics is not thinking can be applied in the Internet , originally stored in the flight data recorder and the black box inside the cabin sound recordings , security uploaded to a dedicated platform, and at the time of the recorded parameters need to re- released for flight test , accident analysis purposes ?

Science and technology in development, the " black box" should be common as technology advances .

